
More of yourself, less of your stuff.

The support you need, for the life you want.


Help Me Help You

Overwhelmed with the amount of stuff in your home?

Suffer from decision fatigue?

Too busy?

Wasting time on things that don’t matter?

Emotionally attached to the stuff in your home?

Your efforts to change are short lived?

The problems never end when you don’t feel in control. That’s where I come in.

dara in kitchen

I help you simplify so you can take back control.


We work closely together to define priorities and identify problems. I create tailored solutions and work as your project manager, mentor, and helping hand to bring these solutions to fruition. There are many tools and strategies I pull from depending on your needs: decision-making support, personal finance, mindfulness, habit development, and creating efficient systems.

More than anything else, I am a problem solver.

Once clients have engaged in my services, these are the typical outcomes they enjoy: 

  • A clearer sense of priorities

  • Awareness of what you own, where it lives, and how it connects to your priorities

  • Less time spent looking for items

  • New systems in place to stay organized

  • Money saved

  • Tools to use when I’m not there

  • More efficient use of time in areas of concern

Minimalist Lifestyle Coaching

If you want to make sure all areas of your life are organized in a meaningful way, my coaching service is the answer.

My method includes:

  • In-depth analysis of problems and challenges

  • Mindfulness and meaning exploration

  • Detailed implementation plan

  • Creating sustainable systems

Your first session includes:

  • Self-reflection questionnaire

  • 1- 90 min. call

  • Goal Setting + Next Steps

  • Follow up accountability check in

In-Person Organizing

If you have a project that could use hands-on support and guidance, in-person organizing is for you. You can schedule individual sessions (3-hour minimum) or select a pack of sessions for cost savings.

If outside of Austin, contact me for a customized travel package.

Online Courses

The Create Your Minimalism Action Plan Workshop will jumpstart any organizing or minimalism project you have in mind. Most of the time, we have trouble starting, feeling motivated to continue, or being efficient because we don’t have a clear plan that propels us forward. This workshop will help you achieve your most true-to-you simple life, in just 2 hours.

The Minimalist Lifestyle Masterclass is Less Equals More’s signature course. With six modules, 39 videos, and a workbook, this online course addresses everything from determining your “why” to organizing your bedroom and everything in between. It will get you thinking about how to apply minimalism to your whole life at a deeper (and long-lasting) level.

I am much more organized in our home and also in my mind too because of the way she helped me think differently. I’m so thankful to Dara and will always recommend her!
— Kristen Williams, Austin, TX

The first step is the hardest.

But if you’re serious about making a change, use the button below to schedule a free call with me and see how fun and rewarding this process can be.