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The Tyranny of Nightstands and Throw Pillows

There are many creations of modern society that I find curious, sometimes frustrating, usually wasteful, and occasionally mind boggling. These objects promote excess, disorganization, and, laziness. They are similar to many other status quo items that seem implicit in modern life. It’s the dangerous concept of a “must-have.” It’s the way a young couple might populate a wedding registry with an idea of what they will need during cohabitation rather than slowly folding in items as-needed, based on how they actually live. We believe that there are inherent basics that populate a home. But, in fact, we are free to rethink all things that fill the space between our walls. 

These are some basic items I propose reconsidering:

Bedroom chairs: I have yet to find one not covered in clothes or other objects. If you use your bedroom as a quiet haven, but cannot find a comfortable seated position on your bed, maybe you’re the exception to this rule. Otherwise, this is a useless and potential disorganization inducing piece of furniture.

Nightstands: Another surface, another mess. Surfaces attract mayhem and many nightstands not only have surfaces that are too large but cabinets, drawers, shelves, and the like. Define the items that you must have next to your bed, if any, and get something that adheres to that purpose. If it’s just a book, it can go on the floor. If it’s lighting, consider a sconce or overhead light with a dimming remote. Perhaps a small shelf or table with no storage under. 

Magazine racks: It’s bad enough that we collect magazines and catalogues. This devise allows them to pile up and be ignored. It is only made worse by it’s placement in a bathroom.

Throw Pillows: I want to throw these- away. Many are made with fabrics uncomfortable for the cheek, come in awkward sizes, are used in excess, and are mainly decorative. If they are on a bed, they are typically useless (unless serving as an extra pillow). On a couch, a couple with the purpose of being a headrest can make sense but, speaking of couches …

Couches: I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve learned that couches promote inactivity and laziness around the home. (If you want to lie down, you have a bed!). Couches make it almost mandatory to turn on a t.v., if you have one. Often people “do work” on them, but this is often accompanied by the t.v. or a lackadaisical attitude about the work itself. If you have no kitchen seating as an alternative, a few large chairs can do, as can cushions on the floor.

The salient point is not to discard these items specifically but, rather, to question the status quo. To focus more on function, and then build beauty around it. Dissect the point of something before purchase. What assumed-to-be-needed items do you have in your home that can be phased out entirely or their functions be repurposed to other possessions? Consider these questions routinely.